
Tales of Hic-Monstra: A New Home

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-Tales of Hic-Monstra-
A New Home

Warning: contains vore-like scenarios. Don't like? Don't read.

Nya (nye-uh) was a bright young girl, fifteen years of age, blond hair cut to her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes, and her ears ended in a slight point. Not enough to look like an elf's, but not as curvy as a human's. This, along with many of her other features, resulted from having an elven mother and human father. Nya had been taught since she was young how to use basic healing spells from her pacifist mother, as well as an amateur skill with a dagger and short sword from her retired soldier father.
But with all they had taught and told her, none of it seemed to matter as a horde of bloodthirsty, bigoted bandits swept through their town, cutting down all in their path. Nya hid under her bed, hearing the sounds of clashing steel and bloody roars of bandits as they swept through the town. She saw the feet of her mother and the boots of her father in the next room through the doorway, and covered her head as she heard another explosion from a catapult's fireball. Nya felt the ground rumble, and several supports cracked over head as Nya saw fire burning up their straw roof. Nya gasped and scrambled out from under the bed as the supports crashed down onto it, reducing half of the room to a pile of rubble. Nya looked up to her mother, and saw her run to help Nya when there was a loud deafening explosion that blew their house to fiery cinders. Nya blacked out as a large rock hit her in the forehead, and when she next woke she smelled the rotten smell of burning flesh and heard the crackle of a million fires. She sat up, holding the cut on her head, and winced at the burns along the left side of her body, blackening her gown and leaving the skin on her arm and leg red and bloody. She stood slowly, not wanting to make a sound for fear of any bandits hearing her, and saw her house a smoldering pile of ash and burnt wood. She stepped out into the street, and looked around to see the bodies of elves, humans and bandits alike. She coughed, putting a hand up to cover her mouth as she stumbled through the streets in search of her parents. She looked up into the sky, seeing the stars through the clouds of smoke, and prayed for her parents to be alright. Suddenly she saw a dark shadow pass overhead, blowing her down with a great gust of wind, and rolled on her stomach to see the shadow circle around and disappear behind several trees.
Nya heard a rough cackle, and turned to see a wounded bandit emerging from a collapsed building, his sword tightly held in his hand. "Hello there, love. Come 'ere a sec. I won't hurt yah!" The bandit limped towards her, and Nya crawled away, stumbling over bodies and rubble. Nya felt the bandit grab her hair, and yank her back. He smirked and crouched down, his blade on her neck and his teeth at her ear. "Don't worry, love. I'll be-" Nya shut her eyes as another large gust of wind blew through them. She heard nothing from the bandit, and when she turned see saw the bandit kneeling and leaning into her, his head apart from his body. Nya gasped and kicked away, stumbling and crying. Her hand landed on the hilt of a short sword, and she glanced down to it. She wiped her eyes and stood, clutching the short sword with both hands. She walked through the streets, silently taking each step over a pile of stone or wood debris, or the body of someone she knew. She reached the town square, and saw deep gashes in the stone walkway. She leaned down to feel the three inch incisions in the stone, when suddenly she felt another gust of wind blow her on her back. There was a loud earth shattering pound on the earth, and when Nya opened her eyes she saw a large blue drake standing before her on his hands and feet. His head sat only a few feet from her's, and she could feel his hot breath stream over her. The dragon looked her over, scanning the young girl before him, and slightly opened his jaws. Nya shook violently as she tried to grip her sword, but her fingers refused to move as commanded. The dragon's tan tongue emerged from it's sharp teeth, and licked one of her feet, making her pull it away and breathe quickly. The dragon hummed, and sat back on his haunches. He reached forward with a clawed hand, and Nya gasped and with a jerk sliced across his palm with her short sword. The dragon winced and pulled his hand back, looking to his palm. They both watched as blood began to run down his arm and drip off his elbow into a growing puddle on the ground. The dragon clenched his claw in a fist, and Nya shivered and dropped her sword in fear. The dragon glared at Nya, and leaned forward, grabbing her in his other hand and holding her up to his face. Nya stared into his eyes with a distraught, fearful look as the dragon opened his mouth slightly again and licked around her neck and under her chin, his tongue snaking across her like a serpent's coil. The dragon pulled his tongue back, and flared his wings, digging his clawed toes into the earth before pushing off and shooting into the sky. Nya wrapped her arms tightly around one of his fingers as they ascended higher and higher, passed the black smoke and the clouds above. When the dragon leveled off and flew over the sea of clouds, Nya looked down to see Miriam, the town she grew up and loved, as a bright orange light in the night from the numerous fires. She began to tear up, and curled up against the dragon's chest, shaking either from the realization of all she'd lost, the cold night, or the altitude the dragon flew at. The dragon glanced down to her, hummed, and dipped to the left to slip beneath the cloud level as Nya drifted into a restless sleep.


When Nya woke she felt something rough and sticky beneath her. A humid air surrounded her, and as she opened her eyes she saw that she was lying in the dragon's mouth, his breaths blowing up her back and sending chills back down. Nya reached forward and put her hands to the lips of the dragon's jaws, and attempted to push them apart. The tongue lifted, soaking her face and pushing her to the back of the dragons's maw. The dragon opened his mouth, and Nya slid out onto a mound of silver and gold. Nya looked back to see the dragon sitting in front of her, his eyes following her every move.
Nya shivered, and kneeled before him, beginning to tear up. "Please, great dragon, end it quickly so I may join my parents in the hall of the gods..." The dragon hummed and leaned down, looking her over. He licked up Nya's chest and face, making her fall back and blush.
The dragon chuckled in his throat. "It is not your fate to die today, fledgling. I have other plans for you. I saw what the mindless men were doing to your town. I didn't intend to intervene, but then I saw you." The dragon put a claw to Nya's chest, and she winced at the razor point.

"Why did you save me? Are you... gonna eat me...?" Nya asked, backing up.
The dragon chuckled louder, and bent down to Nya. "Oh yes. I'm going to eat you. You are going to make a fine snack. But not now. Right now I wish to know your name. You will call me Jír (jeer)."
Nya's eyes filled wit distraught, and she crawled back to the cave wall. "You just said you were going to eat me! Why would you want my name?" She asked, giving a frantic stare. Jír smirked and took a few steps towards her, watching with amusement as she pressed against the wall and clenched her eyes shut. Jír leaned down, put a claw behind one of her ears, and made her face him.
She slowly opened her eyes, and Jír hummed. "Yes, I'm going to eat you. But before that happens, I would like to enjoy your company. I would ask again halfling; what is your name?"
Nya began to cry, shaking, and shut her eyes. She swallowed, her teeth chattering quietly, and spoke. "N-Nya... My name is Nya..."
Jír nodded, and looked down to her wounds. "Your injuries will become infected if they are not treated. My saliva may disinfect it, if you'd climb into my mouth." Jír opened his mouth wide, but Nya gasped and shook.

"No! I-I know some healing spells. I can treat myself." Jír closed his jaws, and nodded. Nya put her burned leg out straight, cracking several of the scabs that had formed during her sleep, and lifted her hands. A pink glow resonated from her fingers, and as she slowly brought them over her leg her wounds began to close. Within a few moments her leg was healed, and she did the same to her arm and neck.
Afterwards she slumped, her muscles shaking from the extensive use of magic, and Jír gave her hair a quick lick. "Impressive for one so young. You must have had an excellent tutor."
Nya pulled away, but slowly looked up to see Jír balancing on one hand, his other clenched tightly in a fist. "What about... Your hand?"
Nya pointed a trembling finger to Jír fist, and he hummed. "Your strike could not have been better. The wound is deep and has still yet to cease it's bleeding."
Nya slowly sat up on her knees, and looked up to Jír through her bangs. "I uh... I could try and fix it for you, Jír..." She still shook occasionally from her recent mana output, but if she could get on Jír's good side, he might not kill her.
Jír slowly held out his hand, and lowered his head. "Do not push yourself to far with your magic, Nya. There is a point where your exhaustion can lead to physical injury."
Nya nodded slowly, and slowly opened his hand. She saw violet blood covering his palm and fingers, the wound still open as if it were just dealt. Nya made her hands glow, and felt slightly light headed. The corrosive blood began to drip from Jír's fingers into her lap, stinging and putting holes in her already burned and tattered gown. Nya scooted back and sighed, hovering her hands over his palm. She gritted her teeth as the wound began to glow and slowly seal at each end. Nya shook, her vision darkening and the pink aura dimming, but she persisted until the wound fully closed. She cut off her spell abruptly, feeling light headed and nauseous, and fell to the side, Jír moving quickly to catch her. Nya shook with muscle spasms, her vision dark, and slowly blacked out in Jír's claws.


Nya woke to feel a surprising warmth against her skin. She opened her eyes slowly to see the sunrise over the horizon. She sat up and looked around, seeing Jír lie next to her on a large stone perch that overlooked a forested mountain range she didn't recognize. Her muscles were stiff as she woke, and her hands were forearms and hands still felt cold. She looked to her palms to see curving intricate scars seemingly burned into her skin, no doubt a scar she received from pushing herself. She felt a chilly wind blow up at her, and rubbed her arms to warm herself. She was surprised, though, to see that her gown was gone, leaving her naked to the elements.
She heard Jír yawn, and turned to see him stretch like a cat and look to her. "Good morning, Nya. It would appear your injuries weren't to severe. I was able to use a bit of my blood to alleviate the worst of the mana exhaustion." Nya stood, covering herself as best she could, and Jír smirked. "You need not cover your body, Nya.  Clothing is only a burden that nature did not intend. And I've no interest in the flesh of mortals."
Nya reluctantly uncovered herself, and Jír opened his hand to show the scar running across his palm. "You did a fine job of mending my wound. You blacked out before you could dispose of the scar, but I think I will keep it." Jír stood, and turned to the cave entrance. "Follow me and I will show you your new home." Jír began to walk back inside, and Nya hurried after him.
She walked a lot side him, and looked up to his face. "New home...? What about Miriam? What about my parents?"
Jír stopped and looked down to her, his eyes sympathetic. "When I approached the town to retrieve you I saw no other survivors but a few bandits. I would wager your parents died in the raid. But I am not without heart. You will stay with me so that I may keep you under my wing until you have grown."
Nya gasped, looking down at the ground, and fell to her knees. "No... They can't be..." Nya began to cry, and Jír put a claw under her and held her against his chest, walking through the cave towards the mane hall where his horde was.
When they arrived Nya had composed herself and returned to walking beside him. "This is my horde. Here is where I will spend much of my time, reading or sleeping. As a resident here I expect certain services from you. As a dragon's servant it is my duty to protect and house you, just as it is your duty to carry out my commands and requests. It may be a simple task as locating a certain book, or something recreational, such as a foot rub or... Well, you understand."
Nya huffed, looking down at her feet. "I guess... I guess I have no where else to go. I'll... serve you the best I can..."
Jír lied down on his bed of silver and gold, and waved for her to come close. "Now now, do not despair, Nya. I will do my best to make this life an enjoyable one. I've taken the liberty of arranging a room for you, a small nook on the far wall. There you will find a bed I recovered from the wreckage of town, as well as a chest and some food." Nya stepped over to the bed, and sat down, running her hand along the slightly singed covers. Jír turned to face her, and nodded. "If you ever need anything you may simply ask and I will retrieve it.But in order for you to receive such privilege, I must ask that you never leave the cave. These mountains are treacherous and not safe to wander about."
Nya nodded, and sat in the feral position on her bed. "Okay, Jír. Um... thank you, for saving me. I guess I was to scared before to really realize it. But... Can I ask you a question?" Jír nodded, and Nya sighed. "When you said you were going to eat me..." She began.
Jír hummed and tapped his claws along the floor of gold coins. "You may discover that many creatures in these lands have far superior stomachs to that of humans, elves and dwarves. So again I will say this: you will be eaten. But I give you my word that I will never seriously harm you."
Nya swallowed nervously, unsure of what he meant by superior stomachs, but nodded and glanced down to her tattered pillow. "I'm going to lay down, if that's okay. This is... a lot to take in." Jír nodded, and pulled out a large book as Nya lied down, facing away from him, and cried herself to sleep.
A short story I jotted down a while back. Decided to upload it since I've been a little idle for a while. At any rate, enjoy!
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Annonamous1's avatar
Very interesting!